
Ten Things. Happy New Year.

Posted by Rain Kleindolph on

Ten Things. Happy New Year.

The sky is finally blue again.  It’s nice to be able to open every window in my house and breathe in fresh and clean air again. I was beginning to feel like I was suffocating, literally taped into this house like it was a bubble. You don’t think to be grateful for clean air but here we are. It feels like autumn is a bit closer, with chilly feet in the morning and yellowing leaves starting to drop from some of the trees. I’m not quite ready for the turning of the clocks, but I can feel the shift starting....

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What the heck, 2020?

Posted by Rain Kleindolph on

What the heck, 2020?

When I last posted, I said, "what a long, strange, trip it's been..." and honestly, that was not an invitation for it to get longer or stranger.  As of 5/10: we are open on a very limited basis again. That means, there is stock, it is available for sale on the site, and I am shipping. But, it is one day a week, with a longer than usual handling time (7-10 days), and no rush or Priority orders. I'm offering limited amounts of stock, as I'm using this time to re-vamp the website, re-doing shop photography, adjusting prices, and re-thinking most...

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What A Long, Strange, Trip It's Been.

Posted by Rain Kleindolph on

What A Long, Strange, Trip It's Been.

Wow it's been a minute! I haven't posted here since last February. Kids, I'll be honest. 2019 has not been gentle with us. This has not been a particularly kind year. We were financially gutted by our move to Portland which meant that Cap needed to be in Los Angeles and back to work pretty much immediately after our move. I started (and then quit) a very high-stress job across the river in Vancouver. Depression and extreme anxiety were pretty much my constant companions in the first half of the year. We lost my father-in-law to a miserable and prolonged illness...

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It's a precious little world and it's all we've got.

Posted by Rain Kleindolph on

It's a precious little world and it's all we've got.

I've been giving some hard thought to how Maia & Rainwood is going to be going forward, given everything that is happening globally with climate change and the environment. Mining is really hard on the planet but that’s where my metals and gemstones come from. So many of the things that I use - beads, glass, gems - they have a huge cost in terms of carbon footprint and ecological damage. My aim, going forward, is to reduce my consumption of new things and to focus on incorporating more reclaimed, recycled, and repurposed things into my designs. Do I think...

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No more "listening and learning" please, we need to step up.

Posted by Rain Kleindolph on

No more "listening and learning" please, we need to step up.

I was reading/watching my Instagram story feed this afternoon and saw someone say something to the effect of, "Listening and Learning is the new Thoughts and Prayers." It was in regards to the current discussions about racism in the fiber and fashion world, making our community more inclusive, and addressing the underlying bias and lack of representation within the knitting and slow fashion communities. I mean, that's barely even a nutshell, it's about so much more and it's been going on for almost two full months now, so there's a lot of content. Anyway, I saw that comment in someone's story (I...

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